Monday, June 4, 2012

My 30 day challenge


For anyone that not know me, I have been an athlete my whole life. I started playing soccer very young and played until I was a senior in high school and started running track my seventh grade year and am going into my senior year in college and my fourth and final year of collegiate track and field. I am a heptathlete so I do a little bit of everything! I love to work out but have noticed how different I look now compared to how I looked during high school.

Obviously I have to take the fact that I am now in college, that my body has changed, and that I am just older into consideration, but I still don't like how much more body fat I have. My plans for my final year of collegiate running is to run a few races for the cross team (which I did a my sophomore year as well), win the pentathlon and heptathlon in the PSAC (Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference), and qualify and compete at the NCAA championship for both, but especially the heptathlon.

Whats goin' onn.

So, now getting to the point, I have decided to do what is called the Pateo diet. In short, this is when you eat only what a cave man would be able to eat. You stick your protein, veggies, fruits, and nuts. And stay away from dairy, grains, and any proccessed foods. If anyone wants any more information about it, here a great link about the Pateo Diet.

I will also be working out for track, which includes interval running, and long runs but doing a lot of extra working out such as biking, ellipitcal, lifting and a crazy amount of plyometrics.

I'll also be posting any interesting of helpful articles that deal with working out!

The plann.

So here's the plan. For the next 30 days, starting tomorrow, I will be trying to eat strictly to the Pateo diet. I'll get on here every day and post about how my day went, and on every 5 day's I'll post a picture of myself to show my improvement (hopefully improvement!). I will also be talking about what exercises I did, and I'll either attach an excell sheet with my lifting schedule and my plyometric plan.

Hopefully it works, and hopefully keeping a blog about it will make it easier! My goal is to be thin, fit, muscular, and even a bit intimidating. I had a six pack at one time, and I hope to have one again. Hopefully by the end of these 30 days I'll be jacked with abs of steel!

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